Yes, the platform is functional in all 50 of the United States of America.
Enter the location where you want to rent, select the date you would like the rental to start on, enter how many months you would like the rental for, and select the number of tenants included in the rental agreement.
Landlords decide if they require tenants to apply with a background check.
We offer rentals on a monthly basis. Landlords can make their place available for a minimum of 1 month to a maximum of 36 months.
Landlords can decide if they want to list their property fully furnished, partially furnished, or unfurnished.
The pricing depends on the terms of the rental agreement. Fully Furnished rentals are charged at 10%, Partially Furnished Rentals at 7.5%, and Unfurnished rentals at 5%.
We accept Debit Card, Credit Card, and ACH Direct Bank Payments.